Accurate tax calculations

Accurate Tax Calculation

Our paystub generator simplifies tax calculations. It automatically handles federal and state taxes, ensuring your paystubs reflect current payroll regulations, including deductions for Social Security and Medicare (FICA).

Earnings and Deductions

SecurePayStubs simplifies the process of generating pay stubs by allowing you to effortlessly include various earnings and deductions like overtime, bonuses, and tips, as well as deductions you wish to make from the employee's pay.

Earnings and deducation


State-Specific Tax Calculations

Generate precise tax calculations and pay stubs for all 50 states. We provide accurate federal and state-specific tax details for streamlined payroll processing. Simplify compliance with our user-friendly interface.

Paystub Templates

As a business owner, it's mandatory to provide professional pay stubs to your team. SecurePayStubs offers free, customizable templates to enhance your brand. Choose from our library with no limitations.

Paystub Templates

Customize Pay Stubs

Customize Pay Stubs

Create custom pay stubs effortlessly with our platform. Incorporate your logo, choose from a variety of templates, and add extra elements as needed. Perfect for tailoring pay stubs to your unique style and requirements.

Pay Stubs for Multiple Pay Periods

Quickly create multiple pay stubs for employees by choosing pay periods and payday, streamlining payroll and ensuring compliance.

Pay Stubs for Multiple Pay Periods

Include a Deposit Slip

Include a Deposit Slip

Take advantage of our offer to include deposit slips with your employees' and contractors' pay stubs, all at no additional charge. Simplify the payment process and provide added convenience for your team by opting for this complimentary service.

One-click Pay Stub Generation

Generate pay stubs for future pay periods with a single click, streamlining payroll tasks. Save time and enhance productivity by automating the process of creating pay stubs.

 One-click Pay Stub Generation

Add Time-Off Info

Add Time-Off Info

Ensure that time-off details are integrated into pay stubs to comply with regulations in specific US states. This involves furnishing comprehensive data concerning both accrued and utilized time-off balances, offering employees transparent insight into their accrued benefits.

Pay Stub for Employees

Create precise employee pay stubs inclusive of federal and state taxes within minutes using our user-friendly online pay stub generator!

Pay Stub for Employees

Pay Stubs for Contractors

Pay Stubs for Contractors

Simplify the creation of contractor pay stubs by providing basic contractor information. Leave the rest to us, and we'll ensure a hassle-free process for you!

Pay Stubs for Gig Workers

Effortlessly generating pay stubs, our platform simplifies record-keeping for gig workers, enabling them to effortlessly maintain precise income records.

Pay Stubs for Gig Workers

First Pay Stub for Free

First Pay Stub for Free

Receive your very first pay stub without any charges! USE CODE: FIRSTSTUB to take advantage of our complimentary service to effortlessly generate your pay stub at absolutely no cost!

Looking to generate precise and immediate pay stubs?

SecurePayStubs enables you to accomplish this effortlessly in just three simple steps! With SecurePayStubs, you can generate your pay stub within five minutes or less.

Create a Paystub now

Frequently asked questions about our Online Paystub Generator?

Can a paystub generator automatically calculate taxes and deductions?

Yes, paystub generators can indeed automatically calculate taxes and deductions. Advanced paystub generators like SecurePayStubs incorporate built-in tax calculators that take into account various factors such as employee location, filing status, and income. These calculators can accurately estimate federal and state taxes, as well as deductions like Social Security and Medicare, based on the information provided.

Do paystub generators offer different templates or customization options?

Yes, our paystub generators offer various templates and customization options to cater to different businesses and individual preferences. These options can include selecting different layouts, fonts, colors, and adding logos or specific information unique to your business.

Can I use a free paystub generator?

Yes, you can use a free paystub generator. With SecurePayStubs as your paystub generator, you can create your first paystub for free. You can explore and experience all the features without any limitations.